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Thank you for strengthening leaders of a new church plant in Belgium!

You may not have known it, but you blessed leaders of a new church plant in the Belgian city of Namur last month!

Friends David and Angie Ebensberger, who are co-planting a church in Namur, invited me to play the piano and sing as part of their worship team Sunday, March 27.

Because of you, I was there to serve them when they needed help!

Several years ago, David and Angie served with us on European Worship Institute training teams in Turkey, Spain and Belgium. Unfortunately, they had to return to the states for more than five years due to visa issues.

We were thrilled to learn that they have returned to Belgium where they not only joined a church planting team, but also operate an arts center and are reaching the downtown Namur community through arts lessons, concerts and events.

Again, thank you for making it possible for me to be there for them when they needed help!

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