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Volunteer Spotlight: Jordan and Holly Robbins

Volunteer Spotlight: Jordan and Holly Robbins

By Jeff Slaughter I met Jordan and Holly Robbins in Utah during a visit with friends Robert and Donna Marshall. As I shared the vision of the European Worship Institute with the worship team at the Marshall’s church that weekend,…

Join the Backpack Blessing Project for Ukrainian Teenagers!

Join the Backpack Blessing Project for Ukrainian Teenagers!

Project Update; All of the items we can purchase stateside for the Backpack Blessing Project have been bought. But…We’re also raising $500 in cash to purchase items in Europe for the backpacks such as snacks, fruit, personal hygiene items and…

You put a song in David’s heart!

You put a song in David’s heart!

It’s been nine months since last summer’s iYouth Camp … but stories are still coming in about lives in which you made a difference! I thought it would make your day to hear this story about a 14-year-old Ukrainian boy…

Thank you for making Victor smile last Sunday!

Thank you for making Victor smile last Sunday!

On Easter Sunday, you put a smile on the face of this five-year-old Belgian boy named Victor by making it possible for him to receive an Easter treat bag. Victor was one of 120 children in three Belgian churches to…

From Hinduism to Jesus: Meet Ashkay

From Hinduism to Jesus: Meet Ashkay

During the difficult months of COVID-19, your generosity blessed a church in Lisbon, Portugal – which ultimately led to a man named Ashkay meeting Jesus. We wanted you to hear his story! When Akshay moved from India to Portugal, little…

You Helped Kakoma Move Forward in Faith

You Helped Kakoma Move Forward in Faith

Kakoma Chinyama leaned forward as Zuzia, a speaker at ConVerge Morocco, shared about a personal crisis in her life: an experience which led her to know God the Father and trust Him for provision. Just months before, Kakoma had gone…

Annual Report: Because of You

Annual Report: Because of You

Here are just some of the things you made possible in 2023… ConVerge Brussels: You strengthened 30 leaders from 16 churches at ConVerge Brussels. Focus Switzerland: You made a day of training possible for a church worship team in Basel,…

Volunteer Spotlight: Annayiz Goutier

Volunteer Spotlight: Annayiz Goutier

When we first met Annayiz Goutier in 2007, little did we know that she would become one of the most faithful and longstanding volunteers of the European Worship Institute. Today, 15 years later, Annayiz continues to serve at our training…

Femke Stroobant: From Burned-Out to On Fire!

Femke Stroobant: From Burned-Out to On Fire!

Belgian worship leader Femke Stroobant was going through a difficult season and feeling burned out. But then she attended a worship training event that you helped make possible. Her story is like so many others in the European church –…

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