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Join the Backpack Blessing Project for Ukrainian Teenagers!

Project Update; All of the items we can purchase stateside for the Backpack Blessing Project have been bought.

But…We’re also raising $500 in cash to purchase items in Europe for the backpacks such as snacks, fruit, personal hygiene items and blank notebooks for school.

If you would like to give toward that please click here where you’ll be taken to the giving page of Cornerstone Church.

You will see a scroll-down menu with ‘Tithes’ being listed first. Click the scroll button and we’re the third name under ‘Tithe’. You can click my name and make your contribution. Thank you!

Meet Veronika, a 15-year-old teenager from Kyiv, Ukraine.

This July, Veronika and 29 of her friends will have the incredible opportunity to travel from Ukraine and attend iYouth Camp in Neustadt, Germany.

At iYouth Camp, these teenagers will participate in worship services, small groups, workshops, and fun-filled crafts and recreational activities. They will also experience peaceful, restful nights free from the fear of bombings – or worse.

Before Veronika and her friends leave camp, the iYouth Team want to bless them with a backpack full of school supplies, practical gifts, fun items, and delicious snacks and treats.

Would you join us in the ‘Backpack Blessing Project’?

If so, please click on the Backpack Blessing Amazon List link here, choose the items you’d like to donate, and your purchases will be shipped directly to us as the project leaders.

In July, Jeff and the iYouth stateside team will transport everything to Germany, where we will assemble the backpacks and present them to the 30 Ukrainian teenagers before they return home after camp.

Imagine the surprise on Veronika’s face – and the 29 other faces – when they receive the ‘Backpack Blessings’ YOU made possible!

For more information about this project, contact Jeff.

Thank you for your consideration!

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