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Thank you for planting trees you’ll never see!

A few days ago, I heard a new song called, ‘Trees We’ll Never See.’

Some of the lyrics reminded me of you:

“We’re all sons and daughters, just ripples on the water
Trying to make it matter until our time to leave … Plantin’ trees we’ll never see.”

One of the trees you’ve had a hand in planting – and one you’re likely to never see – is a young Belgian woman named ‘Emma’.

This young leader attended ConVerge Brussels in March – her first ever worship team training event. She was so glad she came.

“Just a few months ago, I was spiritually burned out,” she said. “The devotional about how we serve the same God as Moses, David and Mary went straight to my heart. I will remember this the next time I walk through a desert or when I feel lonely. It was very encouraging to me.”

Thanks to you, Emma is growing into a beautiful tree.

And while you may never meet Emma, you’ve certainly made an impact in her life. She’s already looking forward to the next worship training event in October!

Thank you for planting trees you’ll never see – like Emma!

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