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What God Did at iYouth Camp 2017

You’ve seen me share photos and Facebook posts about iYouth Camp but I don’t think I’ve shared with you the story behind this amazing camp.

The camp is a network partner of the Fellowship of European International Churches, an organization in which we serve and one that encompasses churches we’ve worked in including: Brussels Christian Center, The Bridge Paris, Life Church Milan as well as many of our ConVerge host churches.

The camp originated 16 years ago, started by the then youth pastors of Brussels Christian Center, Chad and Dargan Phillips. When the Phillips returned to serve in a worldwide ministry position in Springfield, Missouri, our friend Donnelle Johnson championed the camp and several years later was joined by her sister, Donnetta and pastor Mark Travers.

“iYouth Camp is a Christian camp open to international youth ages 13-19,” says Donnelle. “The camp offers an encouraging environment for international youth to grow in the Lord. Our passion – to touch lives with the hope of Jesus Christ – permeates everything we do from our activities, to chapel, to the counselors who facilitate the camp.”

The camp holds a special place in our hearts. Each of our three children attended during their teenage years where God used the annual experience to strengthen their relationship with Him and build lasting relationships with others.

This is the second year I (Jeff) have attended the camp to teach worship workshops to the campers who come from several countries including Belgium, Austria, Italy and Germany. This year, I worked with a team of several others to teach worship piano, worship vocals and worship band to about one-third of the campers who serve in worship bands. It’s so rewarding to be a part of shaping young lives for service in the Kingdom of God.

At camp this year there were 7 new salvations, 45 lives re-dedicated and 20 baptisms. Praise God for changed lives!

Donnelle sums up i-Youth Camp with this: “We’ve seen youth from as many as 28 nationalities at the camp,” says Donnelle. “It’s a beautiful cross-pollination of cultures, languages, and nationalities coming together to worship God, study His word and pray – it’s a very powerful thing. My hope for iYouth is to encourage and equip European cross-cultural youth to impact their circle of influence for God. May iYouth shape the next generation to impact their world for Christ.


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