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Thank you for strengthening student leaders, young adults and youth in Europe this week!

Thanks to you, European student leaders, young adults and youth are being strengthened this week at three different camps!

**Young Adult Camp, Brussels, Belgium**
The first ever Young Adults Camp was held on the campus of Continental Theological Seminary last weekend with more than 40 in attendance. You made it possible for me to be there to serve on the worship team and teach two workshops on creativity.

**Students for Christ Connect Camp, Pracht, Germany**
This is a training camp for leaders running student ministries on university campuses throughout Europe. You made it possible for me to be there on Monday afternoon to teach a 90-minute workshop on ‘How To Leverage Your Creativity for the Kingdom.’

**iYouth Camp, Neustadt, Germany**
This camp started yesterday with some 113 in attendance. The team of 30 Ukrainian youth traveled two days to get here and arrived just as the first service started! It was a joyful reunion to see many of the friends we made at last year’s camp! You are making it possible for me to be here to teach classes on worship and creativity!

Thank you for strengthening these European student leaders, young adults and youth this week!

Watch for stories about lives you transformed because you gave and prayed!

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