Dear Friends,
I don’t know about you but it it’s heating up where we are and starting to feel like summer!
Things are also heating up with ‘Elevate Europe’ as we put the finishing touches on plans for summer ministry in Europe!
Below please find a few prayer points as we push toward a departure date for Europe of June 28. There’s still much to be done and much to believe God for!
Thanks so much for taking time to catch up with us and to pray for us!
With a heart for the nations,
Jeff and Kathy Slaughter
Below is a brief summary of what’s coming up over the next few months as well as a prayer point for each project.
Elevate Milan
This month I’ll be preparing a teaching series on worship and worship set lists to share at Life Church Milan the first three Sundays of July. I would appreciate your prayers as I trust God to lead me in how to minister to this growing church plant.
Immerse Camp
Registrations are coming in but coming in slow. Belgians are notoriously slow in registering for events so this isn’t surprising. But I’m not taking anything for granted. Pray with us that there will be no obstacles to those who want to attend Immerse. Also, please continue to pray for the teachers as we develop content and prepare to minister to the students.
Focus Tubize
Pray for me as I prepare to host a team from the US this summer for Focus Tubize, held at a church west of Brussels. We’ll spend a day with this church’s worship team, helping them improve their leadership skills. This team is part of the iYouth team and I’ll also help them get to Antwerp for a night of ministry there to victims of human trafficking as well as do some preparations for iYouth Camp.
iYouth Camp
Please pray for the team that’s coming from the US, the youth leaders bringing teens and for traveling mercies as some will travel from great distances.
Events Under Construction
Please continue to pray for upcoming Elevate Europe events ‘under construction’ in Belgium, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Italy and The Netherlands. These are various stages of development with moving parts that include dates, locations, teaching teams and content. Much prayer is needed to overcome obstance and opposition and see lives touched in these nations.
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