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Meet Zach Lowrie, Friend and Ministry Colleague

Recently I met with my good friend and European ministry colleague Zach Lowrie at a Tyler, Texas Cracker Barrel. We enjoyed catching up and dreaming about future ministry opportunities through the European Worship Institute.

Although I don’t get to see Zach as much as I used to these days, our two-hour meeting reminded me of our journey together over the past several years.

Brussels Gets The Lowries
Zach, his wife Liz and their two boys moved to Brussels in 2010 as part of a ministry team sent from a Dallas church. Their third son – Belgian-born – arrived a few years later.

Liz had been working for a Belgian company which had an office in Dallas. The company allowed her a job transfer to Belgium, giving the family a work visa and a steady paycheck so they could do ministry.

Zach served faithfully on my worship team at Brussels Christian Center. And when I say ‘served’ I mean he ‘served’. He made Christian Center a priority, he understood the concept of ‘team’ and showed respect for my leadership – even when he was just as capable to lead himself. He was a continual blessing and someone I could lean on when I needed a hand.

A Man’s Gifts Make Room For Him
As the Word says, ‘A man’s gifts make room for him …’ and soon, Zach became a valued part of the European Worship Institute teaching team. He taught with me during multiple ConVerge events in Belgium, France, Morocco, Turkey, Kosovo and Spain. His skills in leading worship bands balanced my skills in leading worship vocals and we were able to teach at a number of events with just the two of us.

When it was time for me to step away from my position as worship pastor at Brussels Christian Center, it was easy for me to recommend Zach to the church as their next worship pastor. I was pleased to see him serve well in that position until he and Liz had to return to the US due to visa issues.

The Next Step
Leaving Belgium wasn’t easy for the Lowries but they had to say goodbye – at least for now. Today, Zach serves on the Gateway worship team, serves as a counselor with a local ministry and remains available to travel and work with me through the European Worship Institute. Liz serves in administration at Gateway and the boys have transitioned from studying in French to English.

The Lowrie’s story is far from finished. It’s really just beginning. Who knows what God will do with this faithful family? Who knows what kind of continued impact they will have on the world?

I’m just thankful that they are part of our story and ministry. And that we get to meet at Cracker Barrel in Tyler, Texas from time to time to discuss the next chapter.

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