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Life Church Milan Gets Approval for Building

One of the biggest challenges facing church plants in Europe is finding adequate space for meetings.

When we worked with The Bridge in Paris, we looked at a number of places before finally finding a hotel that would allow us to meet in one of their meeting rooms. And because the church grew quickly, it wasn’t long before we were on the hunt again for more space.

Life Church Milan has waited for almost a year for the church board and members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church to vote to allow them to meet permanently on Sundays in their building (since the Adventists meet on Saturdays.)

Pastor Josh Jones just informed me that the church board has approved the deal and they expect the church members to vote in favor this month.

Now that Life Church Milano has a home, the church can more easily reach internationals in this bustling north Italian city.

Prayer request: Pray for Pastor Josh, his wife, Becca and their children – that they find favor with internationals in Milan and can get a strong start with Life Church Milan.

Photo caption: I’m standing in the doorway of the new location for Life Church Milan – right in the heart of the city.

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