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iYouth Camp 2019: Heroes

Some 100 youth from Belgium, Germany and Italy attended the 19th annual iYouth Camp in Pracht, Germany.

We love this camp for many reasons, one of the most personal is that all three of our children attended the camp during their teenage years. Our good friends, Donnelle Johnson, Donnetta Hunter and Paul and Lori Travers organize and direct this camp which has touched thousands of lives since it was founded in the year 2000 by other good friends, Chad and Dargan Phillips (former youth pastors of Brussels Christian Center.)

iYouth Camp is full of activity from morning to evening with times of prayer, worship, devotions, classes, fine arts classes, games, group activities, evening services and more!

I (Jeff) have taught at the camp for the past four years. This year, I taught a ‘Creativity’ class and a worship choir class. On the last evening, our ‘choir’ performed their song, ‘Is Anyone Worthy?’ I was thrilled to see them do well!

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