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Because you gave in 2022 …

… 102 worship leaders in Belgium, Morocco and Spain were strengthened and encouraged through training events.

… 72 teenagers had a life-changing experience at youth camp in Germany.

… 10 members of the European Worship Institute team strengthened relational bonds and cast vision for the future of worship training in Europe during a summer retreat in Brussels.

… 125 Belgians were blessed and encouraged during three nights of worship led by the European Worship Institute Team.

… More than 100 Ukrainian refugees were blessed with:
· Meals upon arrival in Belgium
· A time of worship and prayer in Spain
· Vocal workshops at iYouth Camp in Germany

… 100 homeless individuals living on the streets in Brussels received personal hygiene kits complete with soap, a comb, a toothbrush, a razor, and shaving cream; 38 Syrian refugees and 62 homeless individuals received new socks and gloves as well as a new toothbrush.

… 40 children at Brussels Christian Center were blessed with ‘Treat Bags’ at the end of Vacation Bible School this summer.

… 73 church leaders from 28 churches in 19 countries were trained and encouraged at the 2022 Fellowship of European International Church Summit in Italy.

**Because you gave in 2022, all these lives were strengthened, equipped, and encouraged.**

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children, youth, leaders, refugees and homeless of Europe!

You will have even more opportunities to make a difference in 2023: Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland, The Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Spain, and Morocco!

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