The new year is well underway and we’re talking on the phone, messaging and texting event organizers and team leaders in preparation for events in 2018.
We start planning our events 6-12 months out, talking to organizers about dates and locations, talking to teaching team leaders about availability, booking translators, launching promotional campaigns (in multiple languages) and a host of other details for every event on the calendar.
So far, we have 12 events at some stage of planning. Please be in prayer for for the following training events:
ConVerge Portugal
Our second ConVerge in the city of Cascais, Portugal, partnering with Riverside International Church.
ConVerge Spain
Our fourth ConVerge in the southwestern Spanish region of Andalucia, partnering with All Nations Christian Fellowship in El Puerto de Santa Maria.
iYouth Camp Europe
Our third year serving on the worship teaching team for this international youth camp.
Immerse Northern Europe
Our second worship camp in Belgium offering an intensive training experience for worship leaders, musicians, vocalists and sound techs. We’re expecting participants from Belgium, France and The Netherlands.
Immerse Central Europe
Our first worship camp in central Europe, offering an intensive training experience for worship leaders, musicians, vocalists and sound techs. Partnering with Vienna Christian Center and churches in Prague, Budapest and Bratislava.
ConVerge Rome
Our second ConVerge Rome, partnering with International Church of Rome.
ConVerge Morocco Tour
Our fourth ConVerge in the country of Morocco partnering with Casablanca International Church. We’ll do events in Casabalanca, Tangiers and Marrakesh.
Spark! Belgium
Our second digital media conference for church communicators for: pastors, writers, website designers, graphic designers, photographers, videographers and social media specialists. Location: Brussels Christian Center.
FEIC Summit in Madrid, Spain
Our 11th year to serve on the admin team for the annual Summit of European International Churches.
ConVerge Amsterdam
Our first ConVerge in the city of Amsterdam, partnering with Christ Worship Centre.
Converge Wallonie
Our third ConVerge in southern Belgium for French-language churches.
Worship Songwriter’s Summit
Our first worship songwriting summit, training songwriters in the art of writing worship songs for the church.
Watch our blog and newsletters for more informatioin!
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