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You encouraged this 15-year-old worship leader!

You made a private piano lesson possible for Josiah, a teenage worship leader in Namur, Belgium.

Josiah is the son of our friends, Blair and Dina Bonin, who train leaders in Europe to reach students for Christ. They also serve French-speaking churches in Belgium.

In fact, Josiah ministers alongside his parents in these French-speaking churches. At the young age of 15, Josiah plays piano and helps leads worship in three Belgian churches!

When you hear Josiah play, you can tell that he not only has a natural ear for music but has worked hard. He’s good! What a joy to spend time encouraging him in his journey of serving God.

The European church needs more teenagers like Josiah: young leaders who have a heart for God and are preparing their hands to serve.

You are making it possible for young leaders like Josiah to get the training and encouragement they need to lead the next generation of the European church – even leaders as young as 15 years old!

Would you agree with me in prayer?
“Lord, raise up an army of Josiahs in Europe: pastors, evangelists, worship leaders, youth leaders, children’s leaders, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, church administrators and lay people. And thank you for Josiah Bonin and the impact he is already making in Your Kingdom!”

Thank you for strengthening the European church!

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