Here are just some of the things you made possible in 2023…
ConVerge Brussels: You strengthened 30 leaders from 16 churches at ConVerge Brussels.
Focus Switzerland: You made a day of training possible for a church worship team in Basel, Switzerland.
EWI Collective Retreat: You provided a leadership retreat for the EWI Collective Team in Jurbise, Belgium.
Nights of Worship: You made Nights of Worship possible in Brussels and Amsterdam.
Young Adult Camp: You helped provide a camp for 40 young adults (students and young professionals) in Belgium.
SFC Connect: You made a creativity workshop possible for 13 university students at the Students for Christ Europe Connect Camp in Pracht, Germany.
iYouth Camp: At the youth camp you helped make possible in Germany, there were 9 salvations, 22 re-dedications and 22 called to ministry at iYouth Camp.
Ukrainian Gift Bag Project: You helped make it possible for 30 Ukrainian youth and their leaders to take home gift bags filled with toiletries and treats.
FEIC Summit: You made a creative problem-solving workshop possible at the Fellowship of European International Church Summit in Budapest, Hungary.
Focus Portugal: You made a day of training possible for a worship team in Cascais, Portugal.
ConVerge Morocco:You made a day of worship training possible for more than 80 leaders at ConVerge Morocco in Casablanca.
Christian Center Compassion: Thanks to you, 100 homeless in Brussels received new toothbrushes, toothpastes and socks.